Wow!, this was a top quality post. In theory I'd like to write like this too - taking time and real effort to make a good article... but what can I say... I keep putting it off and never seem to get something done
The ideas you contributed here are quite priceless. It turned out such an entertaining surprise to have that waiting for me once i woke up now. They are always to the point and easy to understand. Thank you so much for the clever ideas you've shared right here.
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For some of our people, the change came quickly. For others, the ebb and flow of time brought its gifts at a slower pace.
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The creators werent blind sided when they originally made the deal with DC, they were after making a profit. They did, now its the consumers (us) who are gonna take a hit from them denying us a great character all so relatives can claim artistic/creative rights (more money)What is wrong with just accepting that a bad deal was made by your relatives, 70 years ago, and living with it.
Have you ever considered creating an e-book or guest authoring on other sites? I have a blog based on the same theme if you're interested.
Thank you, a really good read - added to bookmarks so will visit back for new content and to read other people's comments. Cheers again.
A nice read, but where is your rss? I might be blind but can't see it. lol.
Great stuff, a very good read - added to favourites so will pop back for new content and to read other people's comments. Cheers again.
Hey there! Wonderful post! Please do inform us when all could see a follow up!
Hello there! Nice stuff, please inform me when you post something similar!
@JustinI didn't see HAARP mentioned on this list.Its on there at #27.
Science is what people understand well enough to explain to a computer. All else is art.
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Hi there! Fine post! Please do inform us when all could see a follow up!
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Hello! Good stuff, please do inform us when you publish again something like that!
Hello there! Cool post! Please do keep us posted when we can see a follow up!
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Hello there! Nice stuff, please do keep us posted when you finally post something like this!
Hey! Fine post! Please keep us posted when we will see a follow up!
Hello! Great post! Please keep us posted when all shall see a follow up!
Hello there! Wonderful stuff, please tell us when you publish again something similar!
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Yeppers, reinvention is Mr. Fergusons thing.
Hey there! Fantastic blog post! Now i'm a daily visitor (more like addict :P) on your website but yet I had a issue. I'm not really certain that if its the right place to question, but you've got no spam comments. I receive comments very often. Are you going to you assist me? I am grateful!
Hi there! Wonderful stuff, please keep me posted when you finally post something like that!
Hello! Great stuff, do tell us when you publish again something similar!
Hey! Wonderful post! Please do tell us when we shall see a follow up!
Hello there! Good post! Please keep us posted when we shall see a follow up!
Hey there! Fine post! Please do keep us posted when we can see a follow up!
Hello! Good stuff, do inform us when you finally post something like that!
Hello there! Great stuff, please do keep us posted when you post again something similar!
Hey! Nice post! Please inform us when I could see a follow up!
Hi there! Wonderful post! Please do keep us posted when we will see a follow up!
Hey there! Wonderful post! Please inform us when we shall see a follow up!
Hello! Smart post! But this cool blog has been loading rather sluggishly.
Hello there! Great weblog! I am a ordinary visitor to your site (somewhat more like addict :P) of this website unfortunately I had a problem. I'm just not necessarily totally sure whether it is the right place to ask, but you've got no spam comments. I receive comments very often. Possibly can you help me? Thanks for the tips!
Hey! Nice stuff, do keep us posted when you publish again something like this!
Hi! Great stuff, please do inform us when you post something similar!
Hi! Cool post! Please keep us posted when all shall see a follow up!
Hey there! Good stuff, please tell us when you post something similar!
Hey! Great stuff, do keep us posted when you post something like this!