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I couldn't currently have asked for an even better blog. You are there to offer excellent assistance, going straight away to the point for simple understanding of your target audience. You're really a terrific pro in this matter. Thanks a ton for always being there human beings like me.

Thanks a ton for your energy to have put these things together on this website. John and i also very much valued your suggestions through your own articles about certain things. I realize that you have a number of demands on your own timetable therefore the fact that you actually took all the time just like you did to steer people like us through this article is also highly liked.

Rooster, You follow a BLANKING team that hasnt won a thing since before World War 1. You BRAG about being FANaticS of the most inept team, organization in the history of pro sports. They call themselves Loveable Losers. You are a FANaticthat is where the word FAN came from. You brag about being like people who live in caves in Pakistan and are BLINDLY loyal to individuals or ideas. You and your ilk are INSANE>

Why all the talk about Texas and its academics? First, these are athletic conferences were talking about. Throwing research into the mix has nothing to do with winning football or basketball games or any other games for that matter. As for Texas, youre talking about a school that has one of the lowest graduation rates for football and basketball players in the country. Its dead last in the Big 12. If youre interested in the state of Texas market and academics is a big deal then go after Texas Tech. Highest football athlete grad rate in the Big 12 and highest public institution football grad rate in the country after the private Stanfords, Vanderbilts, Wake Forests and Rices of the world. In addition, the Pac 10 already has one major arrogant member in USC why would it want another (Texas) thats even more arrogant. By the way, I am a Long Beach State grad living in the Austin, Texas suburb of Dripping Springs for the last 16 years and know full well the grip the Univ. of Texas and all its money has on the rest of the Big 12, including Oklahoma, Texas A&M, Texas Tech and Nebraska.

Hey! Fine post! But the blog has been loading pretty slowly.

Hey! Nice post! Please do keep us posted when we shall see a follow up!

Hey! Nice stuff, please keep us posted when you finally post something like that!

U Conn looks unstoppable, Jeff.

Hey there! Good post! Please do inform us when we can see a follow up!

Hey! Nice stuff, please tell me when you finally post something like this!

Hey there! Great post! Please do tell us when we can see a follow up!

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Hi there! Great post! Please keep us posted when we will see a follow up!

Hey there! Great post! Please do keep us posted when all will see a follow up!

Hey! Wonderful stuff, do inform us when you post something similar!

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Hey there! Nice stuff, please do inform us when you post something like that!

Hey! Wonderful post! Please do tell us when all could see a follow up!

Hey there! Wonderful stuff, do tell me when you post something like that!

Hello there! Good post! Please when we can see a follow up!

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Hey! Nice post! Please do tell us when all shall see a follow up!

Hi! Great post! Please keep us posted when I could see a follow up!

Hello! Wonderful post! Please do keep us posted when I can see a follow up!

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Hi! Great post! Please when all can see a follow up!

Hi there! Wonderful stuff, please inform us when you finally post something similar!

Hello there! Super post! But this cool blog is always loading incredibly sluggishly.

Hello! Wonderful stuff, please keep us posted when you post again something like that!

Hi there! Great post! Please tell us when all can see a follow up!

Hi there! Fine post! Please tell us when I shall see a follow up!

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このページは、まんとるが2010年1月19日 02:11に書いたブログ記事です。


