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The topic of argument that you have brought up here is quite interesting. From what I understand, the basic assumption youve made here is that being liked the masses/larger section of the public tantamounts to being standard or mediocre. I disagree with this assumption. You mentioned in the last line of your blog, But what is better.Would they really know what is better ? I think that sums up the the answer to all the questions that you have raised in the blog. What is elitist? What is the definition of an elitist, especially in our country and culture of the present day. In some way you could define it something that is or someone who is looked up to my millions. It is quite a rare phenomenon for an individual or an establishment to reach across to a million people comprised of varied backgrounds, mindsets and culture. Even more so when they reach beyond the boundaries of a nation. That quality is essentially elite. As far as acting goes, being a creative field, there is always scope for improvisations in it. In that sense it would be hard to define what is elitist in acting. For an actor, I assume it would be almost dangerous to presume that one is elitist because that would condition him to think only in certain ways leaving no scope for creativity..creativity, I believe, is the result of a truly open mind.

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